qxmt.evaluation.evaluation module#
- class qxmt.evaluation.evaluation.ClassificationEvaluation(actual, predicted, default_metrics_name=None, custom_metrics=None)
- Parameters:
actual (ndarray)
predicted (ndarray)
default_metrics_name (list[str] | None)
custom_metrics (list[dict[str, Any]] | None)
- DEFAULT_METRICS_NAME: list[str] = ['accuracy', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1_score']
- NAME2METRIC: dict[str, Type[BaseMetric]] = {'accuracy': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_classification.Accuracy'>, 'f1_score': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_classification.F1Score'>, 'precision': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_classification.Precision'>, 'recall': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_classification.Recall'>}
- class qxmt.evaluation.evaluation.Evaluation(actual, predicted, default_metrics_name=None, custom_metrics=None)
Evaluation class for model evaluation. This class is used to evaluate the model performance by comparing the actual and predicted values. Evaluation metrics are defined by default and custom metrics. Furthermore, the result can be accessed as a dictionary or DataFrame.
>>> from qxmt.evaluation.evaluation import Evaluation >>> actual = np.array([1, 0, 1]) >>> predicted = np.array([1, 1, 1]) >>> evaluation = Evaluation(actual, predicted) >>> evaluation.evaluate() >>> evaluation.to_dict() {'accuracy': 0.6666666666666666, 'precision': 0.6666666666666666, 'recall': 1.0, 'f1_score': 0.8} >>> evaluation.to_dataframe() accuracy precision recall f1_score 0 0.666667 0.666667 1.0 0.8
- Parameters:
actual (ndarray)
predicted (ndarray)
default_metrics_name (list[str] | None)
custom_metrics (list[dict[str, Any]] | None)
- DEFAULT_METRICS_NAME: list[str] = []
- NAME2METRIC: dict[str, Type[BaseMetric]] = {}
- __init__(actual, predicted, default_metrics_name=None, custom_metrics=None)
Initialize the evaluation class.
- Parameters:
actual (np.ndarray) – numpy array of actual values
predicted (np.ndarray) – numpy array of predicted values
default_metrics_name (Optional[list[str]], optional) – metrics name list defined by default. Defaults to None.
custom_metrics (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]], optional) – metrics name list defined by user custom. Defaults to None.
- Return type:
- evaluate()
Evaluate default and custom metrics.
- Return type:
- init_custom_metrics(custom_metrics)
Initialize and validate custom metrics.
- Parameters:
custom_metrics (Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]) – list of custom metrics. Defaults to None.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the metric is not subclass of BaseMetric
- Return type:
- init_default_metrics(default_metrics_name)
Initialize and validate default metrics.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the metric is not implemented
- Parameters:
default_metrics_name (list[str] | None)
- Return type:
- set_evaluation_result(metrics)
Evaluate default metrics.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the metric is not implemented
- Parameters:
metrics (list[BaseMetric])
- Return type:
- to_dataframe(id=None, id_columns_name=None)
Convert evaluation metrics to DataFrame.
- Parameters:
id (Optional[str], optional) – id of the evaluation (ex: run_id). Defaults to None.
id_columns_name (Optional[str], optional) – name of the id column. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
DataFrame of evaluation metrics
- Return type:
- to_dict()
Convert evaluation metrics to dictionary.
- Raises:
ValueError – if the metrics are not evaluated yet
- Returns:
dictionary of evaluation metrics
- Return type:
- class qxmt.evaluation.evaluation.RegressionEvaluation(actual, predicted, default_metrics_name=None, custom_metrics=None)
- Parameters:
actual (ndarray)
predicted (ndarray)
default_metrics_name (list[str])
custom_metrics (list[BaseMetric])
- DEFAULT_METRICS_NAME: list[str] = ['mean_absolute_error', 'root_mean_squared_error', 'r2_score']
- NAME2METRIC: dict[str, Type[BaseMetric]] = {'mean_absolute_error': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_regression.MeanAbsoluteError'>, 'r2_score': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_regression.R2Score'>, 'root_mean_squared_error': <class 'qxmt.evaluation.metrics.defaults_regression.RootMeanSquaredError'>}